Sunday, July 27, 2008


San Francisco
Mike had to go up north for a business trip, so we 3 hens drove up to my grandfather's and met him there. We took an excusion into San Francisco to show the girls around. We had a great time!

Near the Aquarium

first ride on a cable car!

Star Dance Studio

The girls both participated in the recital and did FANTASTIC! Megan's good friend Brielle from school (and up the street!) came to cheer her on!

Alexa's class did a tap number to "baby take a bow" - very cute! She was so excited to earn her first trophy ever! (Alexa is third from left)

Megan's class did a jazz routine to "Footloose" and a tap routine to "How does she know?" from the movie "Enchanted." (Megan is also third from left)

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