Saturday, September 6, 2008

First Day of Soccer Season!

Today was s full day of soccer for the Hall's!

First on the docket was Alexa's team - the Blue Butterflies playing against....yep, you guessed it, the Pink Butterflies! Here are some shots of the fierce "BB's"...

Megan also had her game - in the broiling heat at 3:00. Whew! Although they were definately cuter, the "Purple Diamond Girls" lost to the "Bumblebees" 0-1.

Although fun was had by all, Mike and I believe our daughters are actually doing soccer for the end-of-game snack. The season is young - but so far, neither daughter is in contention for "most aggressive player" (or even slightly aggressive player), and whereas Alexa is always running with the pack (but never going after the ball) Megan seems to be experimenting with the strategy of moving as little as possible. While not terribly successful so far on the field, it was wildly successful in driving Dad crazy on the sidelines. Mom tries to keep her mouth shut (as best she can) ....what's that saying about falling apples and trees? ;)

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School - Alexa

Today Alexa started her last year of preschool - she's in pre-K now(gasp!) I had arranged for her to have at least one of the Berry twins in this year's class with her, and to meet them before school so we could walk in together - all in the hope that Alexa wouldn't scream on her first day. Despite the happy picture below, when it came time to go to class, Alexa was...well, Alexa. She is quite well known at this preschool - Alexa (aka "the screamer") Hall. The Director of the preschool was present in her class this morning, which I do not find coincidental. She, as well as Alexa's former teacher in the adjoining classroom, all tried to assist her two new teachers as Alexa was blowing out everyone's eardrums. "Alexa's here! All hands on deck!" begins another school year.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

First Day of School

Here are some pictures from Megan's first day of 1st grade. For weeks I've been anxious about my "baby" headed off to the "big leagues"....despite my reservations about her class placement, she had a great first day and loves her new teacher!

The new outfit and backpack show off...

What a ham!

Off to first grade!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

First Haircut!

Yes, at age FOUR Alexa finally agreed to have her hair cut. If you know her I'm sure you are thinking "sounds about right" :) This historic event took place at "Gumball Alley" - a children's haircut place. What did it? The hairstyle (of course!) Megan chose it last time, got all kinds of compliments, everyone made a big fuss....Alexa wanted in on that action! Here the hairstyle is again - on both of them.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Last Summer Hurrah!

McGrath State Beach

As Megan starts school in the middle of August, we made one last summer trip - camping at the beach (again!) This time, McGrath State Beach in Ventura. Nan and Pop rented an RV to accompany us, and thank goodness it was on the last trip of the summer as I doubt we would get the girls back in a tent again! The beach was incredible, our campsite was awesome, the spider bites sucked. Mike and I both slept in the tent, but apparently I'm the tastier spider snack, judging by my bite count.

It was much easier to keep an eye on Megan this way. ;)

sweet swell, girl!

Nan and the girls

ah....the reason Alexa brings home half the beach inside her swimsuit!

Monday, July 28, 2008

What a summer it has been....!! Some highlights...

July (con't)
"The Brown/Wilroy (Bloss/Barry/Hall/Hawes) Reunion"
A fantastic trip to the Pacific Northwest....terrific weather, great friends. It was a hoot to get (almost all) of the next generation together. (Michelle/Ed's contribution arrives in August!) At the last minute my mom wasn't able to make it, and that sucked, but it gives us all a great reason to do it all over again. Redo!
In memory of Rich Wilroy

It doesn't get much cuter than this......!

Sunday, July 27, 2008


Leo Carrillo
tent camping with Nana Nore
A great time was had by all camping at the beach! We couldn't ascertain exactly how long it's been since Nana Nore had been camping last, but the consensus seems to be "decades ago".


San Francisco
Mike had to go up north for a business trip, so we 3 hens drove up to my grandfather's and met him there. We took an excusion into San Francisco to show the girls around. We had a great time!

Near the Aquarium

first ride on a cable car!

Star Dance Studio

The girls both participated in the recital and did FANTASTIC! Megan's good friend Brielle from school (and up the street!) came to cheer her on!

Alexa's class did a tap number to "baby take a bow" - very cute! She was so excited to earn her first trophy ever! (Alexa is third from left)

Megan's class did a jazz routine to "Footloose" and a tap routine to "How does she know?" from the movie "Enchanted." (Megan is also third from left)

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

"We three hens of Mike Hall..."

Everyone sing!!!!

Welcome to the Hall Family Blog - exciting to few, informative to some, boring to most.
Thanks for humoring us,
Mike, Angie, Megan and Alexa