Wednesday, September 3, 2008

First Day of School - Alexa

Today Alexa started her last year of preschool - she's in pre-K now(gasp!) I had arranged for her to have at least one of the Berry twins in this year's class with her, and to meet them before school so we could walk in together - all in the hope that Alexa wouldn't scream on her first day. Despite the happy picture below, when it came time to go to class, Alexa was...well, Alexa. She is quite well known at this preschool - Alexa (aka "the screamer") Hall. The Director of the preschool was present in her class this morning, which I do not find coincidental. She, as well as Alexa's former teacher in the adjoining classroom, all tried to assist her two new teachers as Alexa was blowing out everyone's eardrums. "Alexa's here! All hands on deck!" begins another school year.

1 comment:

Jody and Mike Rotuna said...

So cute ! So many milestones!